portrait photo of etienne wagner

designer in mind, photographer at heart

crafting visual narratives that seamlessly blend design and photography, i bring conceptual prowess and a passion for holistic solutions to every project. from adc talent awards to german design award recognitions, i navigate the realms of simplicity and complexity, transforming ideas into compelling realities.

originating from a traditional apprenticeship in photography, my creative journey evolved through a shift toward communication design during my studies at designkrefeld. delving into corporate design, branding, and ux/ui, i refined my skills in conceptual and holistic approaches.

since 2016, i've been navigating the design landscape independently and as a freelancer, collaborating with a design collective formed with a former fellow student. my work has garnered acclaim, including adc talent awards, gwa junior agency, comm award, and german design award.

today, my passion for crafting new visual worlds persists, seamlessly integrating them into comprehensive design concepts. always open to fresh challenges, i thrive on immersing myself in complex topics, transforming ideas into bespoke solutions for my clients.

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